AmeriWater’s High Efficiency Water Filtration Keeps Closed Loop System Cleaner
When a pharmaceutical company in Puerto Rico experienced water purification challenges, their treatment chemical provider recommended reaching out to the High Efficiency Water Filtration specialists at AmeriWater.

Water Challenges
Water testing revealed glycol contamination, major biological activity, and major corrosion issues for their closed chilled water loop system. To combat corrosion, scale, and bacteria growth, a chemical treatment expert was brought in. They recommended pairing chemical treatments with AmeriWater’s high efficiency filtration systems. They understood their chemical water treatment program would be optimum if small submicron particulates, suspended solids and some bacteria were mechanically removed.
System Selected
The pharmaceutical company opted for AmeriWater’s 0079-CW130C-100ASME-460H. This system provides 1/2 micron filtration for closed loop water systems. At this filtration rating, it can handle up to 100 GPM with a backwash flow rate of 45 GPM.
Another added benefit of AmeriWater’s system is energy savings. Removing 1/2 micron particles from cooling water reduces energy consumption at the chillers, creating better heat transfer. This allows the system to run more efficiently and prolongs equipment life.
Water Test Results
Post-system testing was conducted approximately two weeks after the CW130 was installed at the pharmaceutical facility. Particulates sized 0.5 – 1.0 microns had a reduction of 48.98% over the period. Larger particulates sized 10.0 – 20.0 were reduced by over 93%.

Testing done approximately two weeks after install revealed much cleaner closed loop water.
The pharmaceutical company was pleased with the testing results and AmeriWater’s high efficiency filtration system performance. Following the test results, the pharmaceutical company purchased three additional systems to keep their closed loop water system running clean for years to come.
High Efficiency Water Filtration at AmeriWater
AmeriWater offers a wide range of high efficiency filtration system sizes from single tanks up to six tank systems producing 600 gallons per minute. Each system is specially sized for your facility’s specific requirements. Are you searching for a better water filtration solution for your cooling tower or closed loop system? Contact our water purification specialists today.