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AmeriWater Provides Water Purification System for Cannabis Cultivation

Cannabis cultivation at Pure Options

Healthy cannabis plants start with pure, tempered water.

What does it take to help an indoor grow thrive? Crops need a perfectly lit and tempered environment, an appropriate nutrient blend for the stage of grow fostered, and clean incoming water. The AmeriWater Water Purification Specialists understand how essential pure water is. AmeriWater recently provided a water purification system for cannabis cultivation in Michigan.


The Client

Pure Options, located is Lansing, Michigan, approached AmeriWater representatives seeking a way to achieve higher quality incoming city water. “Tap water has chlorine and metals in it, both of which aren’t good for plants,” explained Todd Thomann of Pure Options. “We need to start with pure, tempered water, and then put our special blend of nutrients in.”

Growing crops such as cannabis in indoor hydroponic facilities such as Pure Options provides a more controlled environment for the plants, leading to less encounters with pests and more potential for a robust harvest.

The Water Purification System for Cannabis Cultivation

Healthy cannabis plants

AmeriWater’s PRO4 is the heart of a central water purification system for the facility.

The system at Pure Options utilizes AmeriWater’s PRO4 Series Commercial & Industrial Reverse Osmosis System to achieve purified water. The PRO4 can purify up to 19,200 gallons per day (GPD) of incoming water through its 1 micron sediment pre-filter.

“We’ve been pleased with the water quality we’ve achieved since the installation of our system. The plants are quite healthy and that honestly is our best gage of how well we’re doing,” said Todd. “We do various kinds of water testing, from pH and PPM to temperature and we’re getting pretty close to ideal. The RO’s done well for us.”

The PRO4 is the heart of a central water purification system for the facility, providing purified water throughout. AmeriWater offers both pretreatment and post treatment equipment to create a full water purification system, customizable for any sized facility.

If your facility could benefit from purified water, contact our Water Purification Specialists today.