Cooling Tower Water Filters – CWST Series – High Pressure Single Tank Systems
How clean is your cooling tower water?
AmeriWater has built a reputation for reliable, cost-effective high efficiency cooling tower water filtration systems. Expanding upon this profound knowledge comes the HEF Premium product line, the CWST.
Particles responsible for fouling of heat transfer surfaces are smaller than 5 microns. AmeriWater high efficiency filters remove these extremely fine particles 0.25 µm to 0.5 µm to provide the true benefits of clean cooling water.
High efficiency sand filters
These high efficiency filters use ultrafine sand to provide this much more effective filtration. The cross-flow action of the water across the surface of the finer media prevents rapid plugging by pushing contaminants over to the storage area. Not only do filtration efficiencies improve dramatically, but the filters require up to 10 times less backwash water.
Cost effective filtration
AmeriWater high efficiency filters are much more efficient at removing the extremely fine particles that cooling towers scrub from the air. This greatly improved effectiveness allows these filters to be sized 4 to 5 times smaller than multimedia filters while providing much cleaner water. Multimedia filters sidestream 5 to 10% of the recirculation rate, while high efficiency filters only need 1 to 3%. Don’t waste money on large inefficient filters utilizing old technology.
Benefits of clean filtered water
- Cleaner heat transfer surfaces enable equipment to operate more efficiently resulting in reduced energy costs.
- Equipment life is extended due to the reduction of corrosion rates.
- The potential risk for Legionnaires’ disease is minimized.
- Effectiveness of microbial treatment is improved resulting in a healthier workplace.
- Equipment maintenance and unscheduled downtime is reduced due to cleaner sumps, fills and heat exchangers.
HEF Premium Cooling Tower Water Filtration Line – CWST
The HEF Premium line features a Unitronics PLC/HMI combination, which makes programming and running your system simple. The 7” digital color touch screen displays system controls, pressure readings, alarms and more in an easy-to-use graphic-based format.
- ASME certified 304 stainless steel tank with safety relief valve
- Type L Copper manifold
- Individually motor controlled bronze ball valves with stainless steel internals and limit switches
- Centrifugal pump with TEFC motor
- Single UL certified controller design
– NEMA 4X enclosure
– 208V or 460V 3 phase available
– HMI with 7” digital color touch screen
– Standardized on Ethernet TCP/IP communication for remote monitoring
– Displays valve status, number of backwashes, filter status, service/backwash, operating pressures - Stainless steel support rails and pump skid
- 1/2 micron filtration rating
- Backwash storage tanks from 130 up to 1,000 gallons are available
- Designed for indoor use. Outdoor option is available
- The CWST provides 0.5 micron filtration for cooling towers between 300 -2800 tons.
- The CWST provides 3% to 5% side stream filtration for cooling towers used for Large Factories and Machines
- Service Flow: 30 to 140 GPM
- Backwash Flow: 15 to 70 GPM
- Tank Diameters: 16″ – 36″
- Number of Vessels: 1
- Maximum Pump Operating Pressure: 300 PSI